Friday, August 12, 2011

Festivities and celebrations and excitement – oh my!

It has been a wonderful month of festivities, celebrations and excitement, so much so that it suddenly feels odd to have a lull in my day and be able to briefly bask in the moment.

So let’s see, since last I posted… Mitch and I had a WONDERFUL anniversary; I had an AMAZING birthday. I was spoiled like crazy and really got to live up my 4 day birthday weekend (it was a big year); we got the most amazing business phone call that has lead to an INCREDIBLE contract (we are actually still glowing about that news); and then we had the PERFECT lunch party to celebrate my father’s birthday. Now, now we are back to reality…. Lol

Mitch is seeing business pick-up, which we constantly are amazed and very thankful for, considering it was just March when we began this new business endeavor, and then for added fun… I landed a (consulting) side job! Woohoo! Okay, let me explain the excitement there; you see we approach any side jobs I get as bonuses. So…. this current job will hopefully (fingers crossed and bid getting at the ready) afford us new countertops in the kitchen. But the really really great news about this job is it may lead to the possibility of landing another (bigger) side job soon… and if so, then my plan is to have that job cover our new cork floors throughout the house!!! And with that, all; and I mean ALL of our projects will be DONE!!!! Okay-okay, back to solid ground here… lol! The idea of completed projects puts me in the clouds. What am I saying; the shopping for the completed projects makes me giddy to the point where I cannot stand the waiting game. “Patience Grasshopper!”

Other than that… a new school year has started, and all of the “first day of” photos have been sent out amongst friends and family (via text/emails/facebook, etc), old routines and drive times have resurfaced after a seemingly short summer break... and yet, I feel a fresh new start blooming for the Lynn family!

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