Sunday, January 20, 2013

On The Mend

It feels like I have spent most of January down with the worst head cold I have ever experienced! Truth be told it has probably only been on and off for two weeks, but when your sinuses are so congested that your head feels like it is going to split in half, or that your nose is so sore and red you put Rudolf to shame, and the fact that not a single over the counter medicine puts a dent or millisecond of relief to your symptoms, or that your list of to-do’s (including work)  is piling up around you… its right then that this horrible eye splitting Kleenex living life you are living, seems to be going on and on for ages!

The good thing is, most of the time, I am the single girl in a house of boys,
and those boys are wonderful snugglers! 
Romeo laying on Charlie's head (next to me on the couch)

Tremor and Charlie laying on me - totally understanding of how I feel

Tremor and Charlie on my lap... still understanding how I feel

Mitch has been wonderful too, running to the store to restock my supply of Kleenex and to pick-up a new array of drugs that inevitably do not work, not to mention being totally understanding as the couch he and I normally share and snuggle on, becomes base camp for the whole family to try and “fix” mommy.

Tremor, Romeo and Charlie on my lap - Mitch on the far right with the remote to keep him warm

But today I feel better, on the mend even; we have the house wide open on this unusually warm January day and the boys for once are out catching sunrays on the deck instead of hugging close to mom; and the sound of the first of the football games fills the living room… ah yes, Sunday at the Lynn house.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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