Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Coming out of the Dark

I know it has been forever since I have written; we have been through so much, and now staring at this page… I am just not sure where to start. I am coming out of the dark and beginning to feel like myself once again, but there are still so many things to do, and at times I just want to throw my arms up and say “that’s it, let’s get out of here; let’s sail away from it all on a long wonderful cruise!!”

But enough of that…. So the quick 411 on the Lynn family looks like this:
1.             We survived all of the losses the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 brought us
2.            As of this very moment, we have survived the craziness known as Liz!  We have survived the worse case of harassment I could have imagined. She stalked us at our home, she accused us of stealing; she would call us an insane amount of times and at all of our phone numbers. She was verbally abuse in her voicemail messages and emails, all of which were never ending and came at all hours of the day and night. Finally having enough of it, I contacted the authorities and as of now, we finally have peace and quiet.
3.             Mitch and I have started our own company and the good news is, we work really well together, he handles all the new jobs and field work, and I handle the books, PR and Marketing. So… for the first month we did nothing but spend money, and honestly I had no idea how much it would cost to start-up a little work-from-home business. There was the website, business cards, mailer (advertising), car decals, insurance on the car and company, field equipment, home office equipment, etc. It just seemed that everything cost money…. but then there was the celebration of our first paycheck and then the joy of our first two jobs coming from the mailer, which led to us now breathing easier.

So here it is the middle of May, boy oh boy this year has been off to a doozy! But the good news is… we are back on track! We are back to enjoying our daily lives and living without wondering when the next bit of nastiness will strike, and we are starting to get our groove down on our new schedule, all in all, we are doing really well.

I do have to thank our incredible family, who stuck by us through the darkness that was our life and for continuing to inspire us. I also have to thank our patient friends for waiting out our reclusive processing of everything, and whom are back to being important priorities in our life, and last (but not least) for those of you who would send me your wonderful notes and continued to follow even in my silence. Thank you all, so very much – You guys are priceless!

I am very blessed

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