Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our New Addition

Early Saturday morning (June 18th) Mitch and I picked-up our latest addition to the craziness known as the Lynn Family.

He is a bubbly and joy-filled three (3) year old with adorable rusty-red hair. He has totally changed the dynamics of our life and household, but so far (aside from the new early morning schedules) the transition has been very smooth. He instantly connected with all of the Lynn family members, including the in-laws, and constantly craves reassurance and lots of cuddles.

His name is Tremor, and he is our dachshund.

He is currently a bit of a rolly-polly, so we have been taking him out on frequent walks and he has begun playing fetch really well with Lucca (our mainecoon cat). I cannot begin to describe how cute it is to watch the two of them bound down the hallway side-by-side chasing a miniature tennis ball, or how adorable they both are sitting on an ottoman staring out our living room windows watching the world known as “the neighborhood” pass them by.

Tremor though is fighting a little bit of jealousy, he tends to nab Romeo’s (our lynx/Siamese mix cat) toys and run them back to his bed, leaving Romeo slightly confused and crying for our help, and he watches very intently as Romeo gains the coveted “lap” seat for the evening movie time. Sophie (our blue calico cat) though, seems to merely tolerate the addition to the family (girls!) and has now taken on a fun game called “my paws shall not touch the floor he runs on.” Meaning, she now prefers to stay aloft and totally out of his reach. She is living on top of the Kitchen cabinets and travels between locations by strutting from cabinets, to tables, to chairs, to couches, etc., all the while observing his every move, for her own safety of course.

So basically…. it is just another action-packed and drama filled moment in the Lynn family… lol!

Pictures to follow :o)

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